Himalayan Film Fest

I co-founded the Himalayan Film Festival, which I produced in collaboration with local and internationals sponsors for three years before handing off the festival to Sahayeta, a Bay Area Himalayan community organization. The festival weaved tales of crushing heartaches, complex interior lives and political struggles, to paint a dynamic portrait of a region at a crossroads.

The 1st Annual Festival….

Wowed Bay Area audiences in May of 2013 with local government, international organizations and mainstream media rallying around the festival, which sold out venues in San Francisco and packed the house at Berkeley’s Elmwood Theatre and beloved Himalayan Fair. 

Films, Venues, Sponsors…

In a little under 2 months, I sourced films, working directly with filmmakers and distributors to coordinate the screening of 14 films screened at 5 venues.

I managed sponsorships earning support from the City of Berkeley, City of Oakland, CAAM, Amnesty International, Friends of Tibet and The Asia Foundation to bring to festival to 3 Bay Area cities over seven days.

Media Coverage…

I managed media relations, writing press releases and sending film screeners which garnered a feature in SF Chronicle and SF Guardian, with coverage in SF Weekly, Daily Californian, East Bay Express, KALW Radio and KPFA.

Community Gathering…

The festival not only showcased some of the best documentary and narrative films coming out of the Himalayan region, but also provided community members with an environment to gather, enjoy food, music and opportunities to learn about and take action on important social issues.