Writing Week 

Millions of people dream of becoming writers—Writing Week aimed to help people not only get inspired to learn how to tell their story but also discover all the ways they can share their writing with the world.

Over six weeks, I recruited ten masters of the written word to create nineteen classes to help people realize their writing dreams! Forty-five people joined us live in the studio, over 10,000 joined us live. With 50% new audience, this event brought thousands of new users to the platform plus over 100,000 have taken the classes from the CreativeLive catalog, earning over $250,000.

Meet the Speakers…

Here is a social trailer of all the speakers sharing their favorite ( and least favorite) words, and below check out a collection of classes they developed for Writing Week!

ANDREA ASKOWITZ | How to Tell Your Story

DAVE URSILLO | Overcome Writer's Block

MELISSA CASSERA | Write Copy that Compels and Sells

GRANT FAULKNER | Develop a Creative Mindset and Write!

JEN LOUDEN | Get Your Writing Done

JAMIE JENSEN | Storytelling for Business

JENNIE NASH | How to Land a Literary Agent

HEATHER SAUNDERS | Build A Great Writer-Editor Relationship

MICHELLE TEA | The Heart and Craft of Writing